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Being able to exercise, take a walk, pick up a child, or sleep through the night can all be pain free activities. You just need to know the right things to do to age well and stop the pain.
I’ve been doing long-distance, virtual pain consulting for many years. We don’t need to be physically in the same room for you to learn the right things to address your pain. Experience a full assessment and guidance in the following methods and concepts based on your specific needs to learn the #1 reason why your pain is not going away. Any needs that would benefit from seeking an expert in your location will be addressed. My four-prong approach works!
What you put in your mouth either promotes or fights chronic pain and inflammation. There are no neutral foods (or beverages). You do not have to be perfect, but the totality of how you nourish your body will directly influence your overall health AND the pain you experience. I have seen many people report, as their first side effect of changing the way they nourish their body, that their pain goes away or radically decreases. Joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, elbow pain, whole body pain, etc.; all can be profoundly affected by food. Promoting inflammation in your body via excess arachidonic acid, high-fat foods, dairy foods, insufficient fiber, insufficient antioxidants/nutrients (artificial supplements don’t work to replace whole plant foods), and insufficient hydration will inhibit you from reaching a pain-free state. The best part is that these changes can lead to feeling a difference in as little as one week. Learn how to fight pain with food!
Your body is designed to move in 3 planes of motion. If you lack mobility and/or stability in one or more of these planes your body compensates, and this can lead to chronic pain that does not resolve. Exercising, stretching, heating, icing, injecting, cupping, dry needling, and isolating the painful body part will NOT re-establish functional motion in the area that is likely causing the problem.
For instance, did you know that decreased mobility and/or stability in the ankle can cause a shoulder issue? Or that your knee is rarely the real problem despite being in pain? If you are only treating your knees, you may be missing the cause of your problem, leading to potential surgery that still doesn’t fix the root cause of your problem.
MWP works by resolving limitations in mobility and stability that are the cause of your pain. When a major joint is limited in one or more of these planes, chronic pain and an inflamed or injured joint structure is often the result. Everything is connected to everything else. My book, Pain Culprits! explains this concept in detail.
If your body is not reporting to your brain where you are in space, your brain cannot direct your movements in an efficient way. This inefficiency creates a great deal of stress on your body both when moving and when still.
For instance, if you cannot lay on your back without pain, if you have balance issues or poor posture; this system is functioning in an inefficient manner. If you look in the mirror and one shoulder or hip is higher than the other or you are slightly rotated in one direction when standing straight, your brain thinks this is normal and your muscles and joints will be forced to compensate in some way, leading to chronic pain.
MELT works to address all these issues and more by restoring critical communication between your body parts and your nervous system. Your neurofascial system is the stabilizing system of your body and it must be addressed effectively by safe stimulus to resolve compression, dehydration, restrictions, and imbalances that lead to chronic pain. You don’t really have hundreds of muscles. You have one muscle surrounded by hundreds of compartments of fascia. This system is what communicates your movements and body positions. Learn how to repair and restore this system and improve posture, balance, grip, stability, and pain – I’m sure that you’ll see results from the first time you MELT!
This method can quickly reduce any pain or injury using simple motions in a way that addresses imbalances in your body that keep you from healing or resolving stubborn pain.
When major body parts have very different levels of function from side to side your body can become very protective which often leads to pain and/or limited motion. Your body will also be compensating to accomplish every single motion you perform throughout the day. Those parts compensating will eventually start complaining since they are forced to do a job they weren’t designed to do. This can lead to serious pain over time just from living life OR these imbalances can keep you from recovering from an injury or surgery. If, when turning your body, you experience pain or tension to one side but not the other OR you have more strength or stability in one leg than the other, this will create pain somewhere in your body.
You cannot have pain-free motion when one side functions better than the other side. Once the Total Motion Release System is learned, you have a pain and injury relief tool to use for the rest of your life!
Send me some information about your health objectives or pain issues and I’ll reach out shortly so that we can discuss the best option for your specific situation.
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